
第2专题  磁层中的等离子体物理过程
(召集人:王荣生 符慧山 周 猛 杜爱民 陆全明)
会议时间:10月15日  会议地点:第11会议室(会议中心四层405A)
主持人:王荣生 符彗山 周猛 杜爱民 陆全明
08:30-08:55*1磁层空间电磁场的完备测量沈 超
08:55-09:102Observations of whistler mode waves and ECH waves inside mirror mode structures in the Earth’s magnetosphere高新亮
09:10-09:25◎3地球近磁尾等离子体湍流的卫星观测研究尹 斌
09:25-09:40◎4Energy Conversion and Partition in Plasma Turbulence Driven by Magnetotail Reconnection李新民
09:55-10:10◎6地球弓激波处高能电子加速的卫星观测研究操 檬
10:10-10:20休 息
10:20-10:45*7火星磁尾电流片中磁重联的统计研究王 磊
10:45-11:00◎8Effect of cold ions inflow on reconnection structure and kinetics during magnetopause reconnection李卓慧
11:00-11:15◎9Survey of the Rolling-pin distribution of high-energy electron in Jupiter’s magnetosphere王超奇
11:15-11:30◎10Energy Budgets of the Dipolarization Front in Magnetic Reconnection through Kinetic Simulations舒裕康
11:30-11:45◎11Pc 4 Cavity Mode Wave Frequency Variation associated with Inward Motion of Magnetopause during Interplanetary Shock Compression张典钧
13:30-13:55 *13Electron Acceleration via Trapping inside Ion Mirror-mode Structures within A Large-scale Magnetic Flux Rope钟志宏
13:55-14:1014Electron Acceleration by Interaction of Two Filamentary Currents within a Magnetopause Magnetic Flux Rope王诗谋
14:10-14:25◎15Properties of Electron-scale Magnetic Reconnection at a Quasi-perpendicular Shock郭 奥
14:25-14:40◎16The Effects of Substorm Injection of Energetic Electrons and Enhanced Solar Wind Ram Pressure on Whistler-mode Chorus Waves: A Statistical Study马玖琦
14:40-14:55 ◎172017年9-10月间辐射带超高能电子加速机制研究郭德宇
14:55-15:10 ◎18基于DRAFT方法的磁尾低频波研究许振宇
15:10-15:20休 息
15:20-15:45*19Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of magnetic reconnection with a finite x-line length黄 楷
15:45-16:00◎20First Observation of Electromagnetic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in the Exhaust Region of Magnetotail Reconnection金润清
16:00-16:15◎21Strong energy conversion by a twisted magnetic structure at magnetopause boundary layer杜晨曦
16:15-16:3022Field line curvature scattering in the dayside off-equator minima regions蔡 彬
17:00-17:1525Ray tracing study on the formation of Exohiss: The leakage of Plasmaspheric hiss丁香玲
第2专题  磁层中的等离子体物理过程
时间:10月15日 17:00-18:00
◎2Electron-only magnetic reconnection in turbulence:2.5D Particle-In-Cell simulation张 萌
◎4Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail Current Sheet: one case study詹晨晨
◎5Electron Pre-acceleration via Three-dimensional Secondary Reconnection at the Separatrix Region of Magnetopause Reconnection: MMS Observations付雪松
◎6Direct Observation of Rising-tone Chorus Triggered by Enhanced Solar Wind Pressure周 璇
◎7Generation Mechanisms of Hiss-like Chorus in the Earth's Magnetosphere孔震宇
◎8Auroral dripping and its possible magnetospheric source王文睿
◎9地球磁层低纬边界层中的小尺度能量耗散研究钟 平
10Statistical Evidence for Off-Equatorial Minimum-B-Pocket as a Source Region of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere任傲珺
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